What you need to know about Mental Health Awareness.

4 min readJun 22, 2022

According to the World Health Organization, the global economy loses about $1 trillion per year in productivity due to depression and anxiety. These are the leading mental health disorders around the world. That’s only the tip of the iceberg.

In 2020, WHO declared Covid-19 a global health emergency that sent shock waves around the world. Lockdowns and stay-at-home orders became the norm. People were forced to stay indoors, which meant little to no interaction with the outside world.

This caused the isolation of people in their homes and being shut off from the outside world had its consequences on mental health.

Just like many people, I have not been immune to all that is going on around me. At times, my thoughts seemed to weigh heavy on me and I felt the need to check on my mental health.

In recent times, Mental health issues have become more prevalent due to circumstances that are out of our control.

  • Times are tough.
  • Excessive social media use.
  • Drug and substance abuse.
  • Emotional disconnect in modern-day relationships.
  • Childhood trauma or abuse.

This has pushed the need for mental health awareness, otherwise our overall health will also be at risk.

Mental health awareness.

It is the continuous effort to reduce the stigma around mental disorders and illnesses by sharing personal experiences.

On a personal level, it is paying attention to your own mental health and realizing the impact on the people around you.

Why mental health awareness is important.

You understand the symptoms that you are experiencing.

You may experience changes in sleep patterns, changes in appetite, mood swings, lack of concentration. This may be a sign of a mental issue.

It is essential to break the stigma.

Stigma is the negative attitude towards people with mental health issues.

The stigma around mental health issues has been worsened by media stereotypes and lack of education on mental health.

The chain of negativity towards these issues can only be broken through awareness of the issue at hand.

It helps to start a conversation.

A conversation about situations that brings about mental health issues is pivotal for mental health awareness.

Promotes mental fitness.

The truth is, most of us are barely surviving, more like on autopilot. The lack of a mental condition does not guarantee mental health.

How to raise Mental health awareness.

Speak up.

This may go a long way, speak up if you feel drained, this will also inspire others to do the same. This can inspire a change in culture where people take their mental health seriously.

Learn about mental health.

Mental health and mental fitness are two different things. You should be able to differentiate between the two.

Mental health is your emotional well-being in relation to your outlook on life, ability to cope with stress or the absence of a mental disorder.

Mental fitness is keeping your brain and emotional health in top shape.

Start a conversation about it.

Building awareness is critical in learning how to care for your mental health.

You can start with your close friends, and it will compound to the community at large.

Spread the message of awareness and acceptance.

Mental health awareness is paramount for your overall physical health. That’s why you should take a step back from everyday activities to listen to your thoughts and gauge them.

People with mental issues should be viewed as people that are a part of the society, they should be loved and accepted as they are.


In today’s world, it is quite easy to go down the rabbit hole. Mental health issues have increased by the day due to circumstances that we can not control.

Social media which causes social isolation, it is becoming harder to thrive because of the hard times, trauma from childhood or gender based violence and disconnect in relationships.

It’s never too late to check up on yourself and the people around you. You are creating a culture where people do not shy away from mental health awareness and it will go a long way.

Originally published at https://www.theselfgrid.com on June 22, 2022.

